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Holzer small rotational displacement

  • model:SMHE rotational,Kit hall effect

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    Measuring stroke:360°

    Mechanical stroke:360°旋转无死区,停止位可选

    Supply voltage:5 VDC ± 0.5V

    Output signal:

    Service life:1亿次

    Temperature range:-45 °C; +105 °C

    Size:48 mm x 43 mm x 12 mm

    Degree of protection:IP68


  • model:601HE ROTATIONAL, single turn hall effect

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    Measuring stroke:单圈90°, 180°, 270°, 360°

    Mechanical stroke:

    Supply voltage:5 VDC ± 0.5V

    Output signal:5 % to 95 % of Vs

    Service life:5千万次

    Temperature range:- 40 °C; + 85 °C

    Size:33 mm x 44 mm x 20 mm,旋杆:φ6.35

    Degree of protection:IP54


Sweep sweep attention
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